Utility Grade

Utility Grade Solar Power

Utility-scale solar facility is one which generates solar power and feeds it into the grid, supplying a utility with energy. Virtually every utility-scale solar facility has a power purchase Agreement (PPA) with a utility, guaranteeing a market for its energy for a fixed term of time.

Potential project sites


Do you have sizable land for a solar power generation facility site?


Is there a high-voltage
line near the site?

Power consumer


Does your company require large amounts of electricity?


Is your company looking for its power needs to be supplied by clean renewable energy?


Are you doing your part in contributing to your state/country’s renewable portfolio standard and goals?

Is Utility Grade Solar For Me?

  • Tell us about your home, energy bill, or ask any question you might have.

For every solar system installed, 250 watts of clean energy goes to the Philippines to islands that do not have electricity or clean water.

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